NGLY1 browser

A resource of gene and protein expression in NGLY1 deficient patient-derived cell lines. Currently the dataset comprises bulk gene and protein expression data dervied from 31 donors (14 NGLY1-deficient children, 17 parent controls) representing 4 different cell types.

Gene expression

Differential expression of individual genes in NGLY1 deficiency can be visualized in a cell type specific or -agnostic manner. Gene expression was measured by RNA-sequencing was performed and quanbtified using the software Salmon. Differential gene expression was determined using the R/Bioconductor package DESeq2.

Protein expression

Differential expression of individual proteins in NGLY1 deficiency can be visualized in a cell type specific or -agnostic manner. Protein expression was measured by LC-MS and quantified and normalized using the DEP R/Bioconductor package. Differential protein expression was determined using a linear mixed effects model.

Gene set enrichment

Ranked gene set enrichment analysis was performed for each cell type based on gene or protein expression data. Gene sets were derived from Gene Ontology (BP), Reactome and KEGG. Enrichment analysis was performed using the clusterProfiler and fgsea R/Bioconductor packages.


For questions or feedback please contact Benedikt Rauscher .

Visualize gene expression across NGLY1 patient derived cell lines

Select gene of interest.

You can use your keyboard to search for gene names.

Download normalized gene expression data for selected gene.

Rows correpsond to distinct samples after merging of technical replicates.


Visualize protein expression across NGLY1 patient derived cell lines

Select gene of interest.

You can use your keyboard to search for gene names. No data are shown if the protein could not be detected.

Download normalized protein expression data for selected gene.

Rows correpsond to distinct samples after merging of technical replicates.


Visualize differential gene and protein expression of gene groups.

Paste a list of gene symbols.

Please enter one gene symbol per line.

Differential expression of selected gene group in NGLY1 deficient cells.

Negative fold changes indicate a downregulation in NGLY1 deficient cells.

Visualize gene set enrichment in NGLY1 patient derived cell lines

Select cell type, experiment type and gene set database